About Me
Hello, and thank you for visiting my website.
With over 25 years of experience as a hairdresser, I continually seek to expand my knowledge by attending courses in London. This allows me to stay up to date with the latest trends in ladies' cutting, colouring, and ever-evolving hair care products.
I take great pride in creating personalized hairstyles that enhance your unique hair texture and fit your lifestyle. At the same time, I prioritize the health and condition of your hair by selecting the right products and treatments for your specific hair type.
After many years of specializing in hair colour techniques designed to accentuate facial features, I decided to study colour theory at the London School of Style.
As a certified colour consultant, I now help women discover clothing colours that complement their skin tone, eyes, and hair through the use of seasonal drapes.
My mission in offering both hairdressing and personal colour styling services is to provide a comprehensive experience that empowers you. I want to help you confidently select your wardrobe colours so you can look and feel like the amazing, unique individual you are.